You are now invited to submit one or more abstracts for consideration for presentation at WCDP2025. The closing date for submitting your abstracts is 28 February 2025.

Please read the information below and the WCDP 2025 Abstract Guidance.

Accessing the Abstract Submission Form

The only way you can submit an Abstract is through the link by Oxford Abstracts:

No other method is allowed or available.

You do not need to have registered as a delegate in order to submit an Abstract. However, you will be prompted to create an Oxford Abstract Account if you do not yet have one.

See the guide:

On accessing the link it will prompt you to create an account or ask you to login if you have already created the account.

Once you are logged in it will take you to the Abstract Submission Form. Completion of this is straightforward but please note the following conditions:

  • You can submit a maximum of three (3) abstracts for consideration as “Oral Presentation”, “Posters” or “Either”.
  • Each abstract must be submitted separately.
  • Presenters will be limited to a maximum of two (2) Oral Presentations.
  • Because of the short time frame between the call for abstracts and the start of the conference, it has been agreed that your submission will be allocated for review and assessment as soon as possible after it has been received rather than wait until the end of the submission period.
  • You should expect to receive a decision on whether your abstract has been accepted within 10 working days of submitting it.
  • The closing date for the receipt of submissions is 28 February 2025.
  • All decisions will have been communicated to the submitter by 15 March 2025 at the latest.
  • A positive decision will confirm whether it has been accepted for an Oral Presentation or as a Poster Presentation.
  • It is in your interests to make your submission as soon as possible. The earlier it is submitted, the earlier you will be told if it has been submitted to allow you to register as a delegate at the early rate.

Note that the submission process has been divided into two approaches, one for abstracts based on Research, and one for abstracts based on a Policy, Program or Project. Ensure that you select the correct type before submitting.

Conference Themes

When completing the Abstract Submission Form you will be asked to select the most appropriate WCDP 2025 Conference Theme that best suits your Abstract. Only one theme can be selected.

Review and Decision

The Conference Programme Committee (CPC) will endeavour to have all submissions reviewed by at least two reviewers. An average score for each submission will be calculated.

The CPC will then make a decision about your abstract and whether it is accepted for an Oral Presentation or to be presented as a Poster only.

Further information about oral presentation guidelines and poster presentations will be issued in a later update after the close of the Abstract Submission period.

Submitting additional Abstracts and editing your Submission

After submitting your abstract you will receive a system generated e-mail to confirm that it has been successfully submitted.

You can also view the status of your submission by logging into your account. A summary will be shown. This also provides a button which will enable you to submit second and third abstracts as you wish.

If you wish to edit any of your submissions this can be done but bear in mind that the intention is to allocate it to a reviewer as soon as it is submitted. Once it has been reviewed it will no longer be possible to edit it.

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